Additional Services

Do you have a busy schedule or travel out of town frequently? Fox Hollow Farm can help you with your horse care or tack cleaning needs as well as exercise or condition your horse for you. We can negotiate a price for services as needed or a "basket of services" to be provided. Services could include tack cleaning, blanket cleaning and storing, farrier/vet handling, lounging, riding, grooming, bathing, or clipping. We can provide the following medical assistance:
After hours emergency fee $25/occurance
Hand walking $25/half-hour walk
Night Watch $50/night
Wound cleaning & treatment $10/treatment
Hoof treatments, Epsom salts soak, hosing legs $10/soak
Support wraps $10 (four legs, your bandages)
After hours emergency fee $25/occurance
Hand walking $25/half-hour walk
Night Watch $50/night
Wound cleaning & treatment $10/treatment
Hoof treatments, Epsom salts soak, hosing legs $10/soak
Support wraps $10 (four legs, your bandages)